The locations reflecting the age of the aged people are face, neck and dorsum of the hand. Our faces are the most important indicators of our age. With the facial losses and gravity, facial changes and saggy appearance occur. These impacts start to be distinct after thirties. With the facelift procedure, entire face or a certain part of facial area are treated, aiming to revert to the former appearance. Following this procedure, your face gains a young appearance but aging still continues despite being delayed for five or ten years. Following the surgery, how young you will look depends on you and the degree of the surgery. Patients’ skin, genetic characteristics, bone structure and habits (smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, psychology, etc.) are important in terms of the individual aspects of results.
With the incisions made in front of and behind the ear and within the hairy skin, excessive formations are removed and saggy appearance is corrected. Operation marks create no problems as they are on the hairy skin and/or under the folded parts of ear. If the objective is to eliminate the bags around the eyes, eyelid surgery may be performed with facelift operation or as a separate surgery. Forehead lift, fat removal from the jowl, tissue injections, and facial contour changes can be proposed along with facial lift operations or as a separate procedure. Non-surgical or mini surgical interventions can be performed to ensure correction on the facial area to a certain degree. However, I suggest you to be at peace with your current state or if your condition is advanced because after a certain degree, any medical procedures cannot satisfy you. You only suffer financial loss and pain at this stage.
It is performed under general anesthesia and lasts for three-five hours. Excessive bleeding does not occur during or after surgery. In rare cases where there is bleeding risk, drains are positioned for security-related purposes. The patients are hospitalized for a day, and then drains are removed and patients are discharged. Edema and bruises may emerge in the early period. With the post-operative creams and regular use of ice, recovery occurs faster. Your stitches are removed a week later and you can return to your work. You can perform heavy sports activities four weeks later.