Reconstructive Surgery

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What is Reconstructive Surgery?

  1. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; It is a surgical branch that tries to eliminate congenital or acquired anomalies, shape and function disorders and to correct body image. Plastic is a word from the Greek “plasticos” and means “to shape”, “to fit a mold”. Reconstructive, on the other hand, is a word of Latin origin and means "to make again".

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; deals with all kinds of surgical problems that occur on the entire body surface. Events that disrupt the shape and functions of the body may be congenital, traumatic or acquired. E.g; congenital cleft palate-lip, attached finger (syndactyly), vascular masses (such as hemangiomas); traumatic burns, facial injuries due to traffic accidents, various cuts and organ ruptures; Various acquired skin and soft tissue tumors and chronic wounds are in this surgical discipline. Loss of bone (especially face-head and hand bones) and cartilage roof (such as ear and nasal cartilages), deformities, pathological events (tumor, cyst, infection, etc.) are also in the field of plastic surgery. For this, in addition to classical surgical methods, microsurgery, laser systems,

In summary; Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery tries to repair all kinds of defects (spaces) affecting the skin, subcutaneous and bones on the entire body surface. While doing this, the basic rule is to make repairs with tissues similar to which tissues have been lost.

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Adnan Kahveci Mh. Yavuz Sultan Selim Bulvarı Perlavista Rezidans A Blok, Kat 12,
No: 116 -117 Beylikdüzü/İstanbul